Friday, November 14, 2008


Garden today before I pick more of the brandywine tomatoes, and squashes and those shrubs of basil.
Oh, and Bleu likes to hang out in the cat carriers; each cat seems to have a preference, although there are three that look the same to me.  Gremlin sleeps in one at night, when he isn't laying between my lower legs holding me hostage all night long.


2-ton said...

Hiho, Bobbi! I am a blogspotter, too! But I hardly write anything. My inside hobby is computer graphics! Your garden is making me jealous, ours is either plowed in or a tangle of dead stems. But spring will come and my tomatoes will sprout! We are clones in that I hate housework, too, and so I just don't do it! I'd rather be online. Good thing that dh is mr. mom!
Love the sister's socks!

KelliSue Kolz said...

I looked at the socks you knit for your sister. I must immediately remove the history of visiting this site so my daughters do not see those adorable socks!

Must.. not.. be.. forced.. to.. knit.. them.. some.