Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tomatoes Growing in my Kitchen

These are cherry tomatoes growing in my kitchen in my Aerogarden Pro 100 which also has jalapenos growing but they aren't blooming yet. One tomato plant has about 20 tomatoes that have set. I am happy with that.


AmyS said...

How cool! Those tomatoes are going to be so yummy.

The photo on WIkipedia about Tu B'Shvat is of an almond tree. But I do love lemon meringue pie! Maybe I should make some...

Joansie said...

Those tomatoes aren't even ripe yet and they look delicious. Salads must taste terrific at your house. (It's Joansie)

Jill L said...

I found one of those gardens in a catlog and I want my mubby to get one -- I am so jealous of your tomatoes! It make me want summer to hurry up and get here!

Mary said...

Oh!! I am so jealous!! :)
It is getting to that time of year where I will have to spend my money on seeds instead of yarn and knitting stuff. Your tomatoes do look great!!