Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Checking in for 2014, like that matters

My blogging has taken a backseat to facebook game playing and my carpal tunnel syndrome determines which days or weeks I can knit so I am like the most boring person ever lately. Things are pretty much the same around here but hubby is doing all my gardening as my stupid knees hate being attached to me so scream bloody agony every time I stand up. I am just letting anyone know I am still around and checking their blogs when I can check in, Bobbi in San Diego

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I am checking in

I don't like what blogger is doing to the site, I can't find anything so am not posting .
I am just cooking and not knitting lately so there will be no pictures. I am making mostly ethic-y foods. So there you have it.

Monday, August 30, 2010

poor non knitting hands

I haven't been posting as I haven't been knitting or doing anything but cooking lately. I know most of my readers are not expecting much of my blogs LOL. the skin on the pads of my fingers is very sensative; too much keyboard use?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

whooo eee, long time no post!

NOT much kniitting on my poor hands and fingers and dear husband has had to do the gardening too. Alas, wonderful year in tomatoes and no pictures, imagine, they look like the ones on 2007.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

no new pictures, really

boy it has been so long since I posted, hope I haven't lost any readers.
not sure what to say, so this is a test drive sort of thing.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Yesterdays pictures of the garden stuff

I have peaches on the trees and they are looking so luscious already, I have no idea how they will taste as I just planted them this year.
I have tomatoes as you can see, too. ripe ones, green ones, small ones, big ones and volunteer ones.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

You deserve more pictures!

Since I was so remiss, and didn't mention that the previous batch of pictures had the cherry pink amaryllis's I am uploading more pictures. One will show the tomatoes progress and the cucumbers we are harvesting (boy are they sweet and crunchy) and whatever the pictures I can load in; there seems to be a limit each time. My husband took the pictures of the cats all lounging on the rocking chair.

Holy cow, it has been a while!

It has been a while yet again since I posted, meanwhile the garden is growing, the husbands' knee is healing and I have been cooking and busy. The knitting has been ripped out a bit but now severely and the gardens are burgeoning and the husband is active and busy. One picture is over the most gigantic chile rellenos I have ever made, or seen; in the pan, they don't look big but that frying pan is about 18" across!!!! I could only do two rellenos at a time, the chiles were about 12-14" long and they took a lot of cheese but my husband said they were the best he ever had and he was born and raised in Southern California where chile rellenos are common and popular here.

I will show some more updated pic to show the progress!